CroBear's Creation
CroBear's Shoulder Bag With Flap
MATERIALS: 8 Skeins Chenille, or 3 skeins worsted weight cotton, Size G hook
Note: Decrease (dec) to work dec; pull up a loop in next 2 sts, YO and
draw through all 3 loops on hook.
Sides (make 2)
Row 1: Ch 54, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across: 53 sc. Ch
Rows 2-39: Sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn.
Row 40: Sc in first sc, dec, sc in each sc across to last 3 sc, dec,
in last sc: 51 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 41. Repeat Row 40: 49 sc.
Rows 42 and 43. Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn.
Rows 44 and 45: Repeat Row 40: 47 sc and 45 sc.
Rows 46 to 50: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn.
Rows 51 to 55: Repeat Row 40. 35 sc at end of Row 55.
Row 56. Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn.
Row 57: Sc in each sc across. Fasten off.
With Right sides together, sc the two sides together through ends of
and beginning ch, with 2 sc in bottom row sides and first chains on
sides. Fasten off. (169 sts)
Sc around top edge of purse: 70 sc. Join, Do not fasten off. Ch 1, turn.
Row 1: Sc in next 35 sts, leave last 35 sts unworked. Ch 1, turn.
Row 2: Sc in first sc, 2 sc in last sc, sc across to last 2 sc, 2 sc
next sc, sc in last sc: 37 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 3: Repeat Row 2: 39 sc.
Rows 4 - 5: Sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn.
Row 6: Repeat Row 2: 41 sc.
Rows 7-12: Sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn.
Row 13: Repeat Row 2: 43 sc.
Row 14: Sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn.
Rows 15 and 16: Rep Row 2: 45 sc; 47 sc.
Rows 17 - 20: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn.
Rows 21 and 22: Rep Row 2: 49 sc; 51 sc.
Rows 23 and 24: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn.
Row 25: Rep Row 2: 53 sc.
Rows 26 - 31: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn.
Row 32: Sc in first sc, dec, sc in each sc across to last 3 sc, dec,
in last sc: 51 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 33: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn.
Row 34: Repeat Row 32: 49 sc.
Row 35: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn
Row 36: Rep Row 32: 47 sc.
Row 37: Sc in each sc across.
Row 38: Rep Row 32: 45 sc.
Row 39: Sc in each sc across.
Rows 40 - 44: Repeat Row 32: 35 sc at end of Row 44. Fasten off.
Turn purse right side out
Flap Edging
With right side facing, join yarn in side of first row of flap next
purse body, sc in ends of each row up the side of flap, 3 sc in corner,
sc in each sc across the end of flap, 3 sc in corner, sc in each row
down the side of flap. Join in purse body.
Straps (2)
Row 1: Ch 6, sc in 2nd cha and in each ch across: 5 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Note: You will be working through both the strap and the purse in sts
indicated. This will make for a stronger strap. You will also be doing
this on both sides of the purse and then will sew together the strap
make a contiuous strap.
Row 2: Holding purse with one side and the top facing you, joining in
Row 6 down from purse top in 2nd sc from side seam, sc in both first
of strap and side of purse (around post), (sc in next sc of strap and
next post of next sc of strap) 4 times: 5 sc. Ch 1, turn
Row 3: Working in strap only, sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn.
Row 4: Working in the 4th row from top of purse, repeat Row 2.
Row 5: Working in strap only, sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn.
Row 6: Working in 2nd Row from top of purse, repeat Row 2.
Row 7: Working n strap only, sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn.
Rows 8 - 84: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn. At end of last row fasten
Note: if the strap is not long enough you can always add more rows.
adding more rows make sure that one side has one more row than the
side. This makes a more even joining when you sew the straps together.
Repeat for other strap. Weave the 2 straps last rows together.
Strap Edging
Join yarn with sc in beginning ch of one of the straps, sc in next ch,
sc in next ch, * sc in each end of row to next beg ch of next strap.
sc in ch, sc in next 3 ch, 3 sc in next ch, sc in each end of row to
next beg ch, 3 sc in ch, sc in next ch, join to first ch. Fasten off.
Copywrite © Karen Stapel 1999
All patterns are for personal use only, no pattern may be reproduced without my written consent.
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